Common micronutrient deficiencies

Do you have any white spots on your nails? If yes then it is a clear symptom that your body is craving zinc. This is the most common deficiency in people who binge on cakes, ...

Solutions for common nutrient deficiencies

The human body is such a magnificent machine. When things go wrong it does not shut down without indicating signs, instead, it allows us to figure ...

Hygiene hypothesis

According to this hypothesis, people who live in an extra clean environment are not exposed to the infectious pathogens due to which they have improper development of immunity. Because ...

Potential downsides of Fluoride

These days fluoride has been consumed through almost every possible source. It is found in fluoridated water, salt, and fluoride supplements. Furthermore, the dental care products in the market like tubes of toothpaste ...

How to improve Endorphins

Endorphins are one of the important pleasure hormones. A decreased number of endorphins induce laziness, addiction, sleepiness, and lethargy. Whereas an adequate number of endorphins help promote relief from pain, pleasure, sharper memory, a healthier immune system,...

Maintenance of PCOS

PCOS is a polycystic ovarian syndrome that every 7 out of 10 women are diagnosed with. It usually occurs in the reproductive years of the ...

Body posture: “Symbol of fitness”

Fitness industry, comprising few pillars, is way so established in this era. One of these pillars is “Posture.” As the human body is perfectly designed and scheduled, yet ...

Post workout recovery

It is observed that muscles get harsh on us after workouts. It is the evidence of any hard activity performed by muscles that screams now. Basically, it is known as ...

Workout for diabetics

Diabetes has a couple of curing-tracks, be it either through nutrition or fitness. Throwing light on fitness, we have various exercises that a diabetic needs ...

8 tricks to treat frozen shoulder

Have you ever experienced frozen shoulders? Well, medically it is referred Frozen joint syndrome - a condition in which range of motion is decreased. It can either be...

11 surprising health benefits of quitting sugar

Sugar is one of the major components of human diet. If quitted, the following would be the body’s response and it would definitely thank the human body.

A diabetic as carefree even after cheat-meal

It is noticed quite often that diabetics cheat their special dietary regime involuntarily either due to sugary cravings ...

How to improve your eyesight and focus?

People are gradually being aware of the eyes-exercises and have begun calling it a natural remedy to cure eyesight problems. If you are facing any problem of near-sightedness or far-sightedness, ...

Path to stronger immunity

People possessing strong inborn-immunity have great resistance for diseases. While reading this phrase, you must be amazed at the people who do not even get a ...


Ulcer is a peptic disorder characterized by damage to the stomach lining. Ulcers are caused by Helicobacter Pylori, a causative bacterium of inflammation. Ultimately,...


According to gastroenterologists, both diseases have similar symptoms, yet different mechanisms. Irritable Bowel Syndrome involves colon only, regardless...

The harmful effects of carbonated beverages

Americans take about 13 billion gallons of fizzy drinks per year. Fizzy drinks can be taken temporarily as an alternative to water, but sodas typically contain carbon dioxide, sugar, phosphoric...


Smoking is a serious concern prevailing in the world. The physical cravings of smoking include tension, anxiety and throat or belly tightness etc. that induce the desire to smoke. But smoking actually ...

How to boost Immunity

Do you often catch cold? Are you a prey of stress, upset-digestion, frequent infections, fatigue, and sluggish healing of wounds? Well, these all are the signs and symptoms ...


Naturopathy has now, treated the most of the dermatological problems like scars and acne or uneven skin tone. What you ...

How Busy People Manage their Health?

Majority of people are facing the issue to supervise their health due to reasons that vary in tones. Either, they face the time shortage or their fragile imbalanced ...

What does your NAIL say?

Nail is an alpha-keratinous plate found on the tip of fingers and toes. ...


Bodybuilding started with the world’s strongest man, Prussian Eugen Sandow (1867- 1925), who developed musculature for aesthetic purposes. Bodybuilding increases the muscle-mass ...

Factors affecting aging

Aging is the most anxiety-causing factor in adults of the present day. There are many factors affecting aging that briefly include water, food, sleep, functionality, mental state and unnecessary fears. Following...

Preventions of breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most diagnosing disease of today. It is a myth that only women are culprits to the disease. Breast cancer can prey on men too, however, it is not as common as in women. Before...


Techniques for relaxation are an integral part of fitness plans which are often recommended, yet sometimes neglected. These important practices play a significant ...

Exertion shouts out loud

Physical exertion means an effort to pull, push or lift a body part or any object in order to strengthen muscles. As activity of muscles fades away if, somehow, ...