Edify Me


Be like a scientist in your life while dealing with failures. For most of us, failure represents who we are as a person but for scientists, a negative result or failure ...

How to optimize focus

Focus is a zone that catches most of your attention without any distraction. There are a few game-changer hacks that you could apply in your daily life to optimize ...

Political chaos in Pakistan - Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmed

Nowadays political temperature in Pakistan is towering high. There is an air of uncertainty everywhere in the whole country. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, a no-confidence motion succeeded against the prime minister of Pakistan....

Power of thought

It is said “You are what you think!”. Hence, your perception and attitude towards life define your ability to endure strength and achieve greatness in life, as author Tonny Robbins says, ...

Health benefits of UV light

Our modern society is the only one in history that has feared sunlight without even acknowledging the glorious facts about it. UV light reacts with cholesterol in the skin to form Vitamin D which is critical to immune function and for absorption of Calcium...

Learning, unlearning and relearning

Learning, unlearning, relearning is significantly important, as the one who has been well-reputed in academics is not illiterate but the one who ...

7 strategies to retain more of every book you read

Whenever you learn something new your brain upgrades the software. Similarly when it comes to reading and extracting knowledge from a book, we must know that outcome ...


We are always chasing gold – excellence – perfection – fantasy! We have this inherent need to show off our wealth to satiate our ...

Lack of sleep, its effects and treatment

There is a connection between a lack of sleep and anxiety. A good night’s sleep can make a person feel energized and focused and give them an overall sense of well-being. But those...

Effective tips for studying smarter, not harder

Urging to work hard never guarantees scoring high GPAs. Studying smarter does! Adopt techniques to learn faster and better
1. Observe your primary channel that helps you assimilate information. It can be any of your basic senses. Your eyes or ears! Either you are visual and try to see information and get it right, using audio notes proves to be your savior, ...

Carbohydrates and diseases

The changes in our health and genes which have been observed in the past years have eroded our fitness due to the unhealthy lifestyle, detrimental ...

Supporting small-scale businesses

There is a pressing need to educate masses regarding supporting small-scale businesses as they constitute a major share of the economy. Small ...

Cholesterol, the savior!

Cholesterol-phobia had circulated all over the world in the old days. It has been considered a tocsin. Nonetheless, today with fast internet technology, it takes little effort to search the details and reveal secrets. Consequently...

5 FAQs related to brain tumor

1. Is tumor a cancer?
All cancers are tumors but all tumors are not cancers. Tumor means abnormal ...

Food safety measures

Food safety practices are crucially vital for our health and wellbeing. Improper food handling techniques give rise to food borne diseases due to which approximately 600 million ...

4 ways to be ultra-productive

How can you lift your productivity as exponential as 100 times? First thing that pops up in mind is the sense of capturing the criteria of people being creative and productive at the ...

Three tips to transform complex brainy things into no-brainers

Brain is a great organ, and has a super power. Intelligence of the brain ...

Etiquettes of composing a professional mail

While having a glance at the inbox of a professional, we often come to know the basic and neglected etiquettes. These are...

Hour of need for skills

Skills are the need to survive in this technologically fast 21st century. As far as academics are concerned, there are vast fields providing massive scopes and applications, ...

Blue Light

Sun is the main source of blue light. However, digital devices like mobiles, tablets, LEDs and other gadgets also emit blue light. Thus, it is everywhere. There are different advantages linked with the blue light, though,...


Acupuncture is a Chinese alternative medicine. It helps in physical and mental conditions, and activates natural-healing processes within the body. It is a technique through which needles are injected in the...

Rights of servants

The Holy Prophet SAW said “You shouldn’t overburden them (servants) with what they cannot bear, and if you do so, help them (in their hard job).” ...

Environmental hygiene in Covid19

There are certain precautions that should be taken care to ensure personal and environmental hygiene. Upon the onset of the quarantine or isolation, a new form of pollution was observed. Such ...

Sleep is the savior

Sleep is the most important factor in one’s life that can either repair or devastate mental health. Sleeping is as vital for humans as fuel for the cars. There are...

How to achieve greatness

Man is a product of information stored in his genes. Our genotype defines our core characteristics that we have no ability to alter. On the ...

Benefits of Cold Shower

Point to ponder; your body demands cold shower, a therapy for well-being! Cold showers ...

An ideal morning regime

It is always important to sleep at the right time and begin your day with enthusiasm and deep motivation. Try getting seven to eight hours of sleep at night. Addict yourself ...

How to manage sleeping schedules

Sleeping hours might vary from an hour to hour. Such differences of time can be regulated by practicing several enlisted activities. It can be harsh for you to...


• Life presents everything to for you to choose what you love!


It is hard to keep pace with time as the immense work pressure of the current age keeps people occupied. Every “Lark” (person who is efficient in morning) and night owl has his own sleep schedule. ...

The Influence of Society

No man can survive in an isolation. Man has always been social animal. Life of an individual is all about his social and ...

Law of Attraction

Life is primarily driven by your belief system. The positive thoughts bring positive experiences to one’s life, and ...

Creative Writing

Creative writing is an open art, never four-walled to academics or journalism. It is a ...

How to improve your English language

The impact of the most widely spoken and world-wide recognized language, English, cannot be denied in our lives. As we advance, ...


Work is an exercise for body parts, either physically or mentally. The mental exercises help with the focused work rather than the diffused one. ...

Why should boys have all the fun? It's the women who are making this world a loving place

Women never enjoyed the prestige and footing as they stand by it now. Even in patriarchal societies, women have been out-performing their due-roles in every walk of life with their ...

We are more than our skin color

Our everlasting lust for skin whiteness has originated from prehistoric colonial times. As a result, many individuals in our societies,...

Grammar: The gateway to English

English grammar is another core-part of the language besides literature. Normally, it is observed that we pay heed to the speaking skills like fluency, vast diction ...