Writing is to writer what kingdom is to king!

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“Certainly, knowledge is a lock and its key is the question.”
-Jafar al-Sadiq


“Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours.”
-Ayn Rand


“The real beauty of a woman lies within. A woman with virtuous soul is indeed a tender daughter, a caring sister and a gleaming wife”
-Adnan Khan


“Hell is in here & now. So is heaven. Quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they are both present inside this very moment. Every time we fall in love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy, or fight with someone, we tumble straight into the fires on hell.”
-Elif Shafak


“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”


“The life given us, by nature is short, but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal.
” -Cicero


Be like a scientist in your life while dealing with failures. For most of us, failure represents who we are as a person but for scientists, a negative result or failure ...

Common micronutrient deficiencies

Do you have any white spots on your nails? If yes then it is a clear symptom that your body is craving zinc. This is the most common deficiency in people who binge on cakes, ...

Solutions for common nutrient deficiencies

The human body is such a magnificent machine. When things go wrong it does not shut down without indicating signs, instead, it allows us to figure ...

Machine Learning Explained

We use machine learning every day, probably without even knowing it. When you do a web search for the nearest Indian restaurant, ...

Why replace white rice with brown rice?

Rice comes in different varieties like black, white, vanaspati, brown rice, etc. Brown rice is a staple food containing Mg, P, Se, thiamin, niacin, ...

Why need probiotics?

Have you ever experienced butterflies in the stomach in a state of nervousness? Well, that emanation of sensation depicts that the gut ...

How to overcome mindless eating?

Over decades we have become disconnected from our healthy food regimen. We fuel up the body only to fill the void. This often is a leading cause of unhealthy binge eating, mindless eating, and other disorders. Thus, today ...

Hygiene hypothesis

According to this hypothesis, people who live in an extra clean environment are not exposed to the infectious pathogens due to which they have improper development of immunity. Because ...

Potential downsides of Fluoride

These days fluoride has been consumed through almost every possible source. It is found in fluoridated water, salt, and fluoride supplements. Furthermore, the dental care products in the market like tubes of toothpaste ...

How to optimize focus

Focus is a zone that catches most of your attention without any distraction. There are a few game-changer hacks that you could apply in your daily life to optimize ...

Political chaos in Pakistan - Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmed

Nowadays political temperature in Pakistan is towering high. There is an air of uncertainty everywhere in the whole country. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, a no-confidence motion succeeded against the prime minister of Pakistan....

How to improve Endorphins

Endorphins are one of the important pleasure hormones. A decreased number of endorphins induce laziness, addiction, sleepiness, and lethargy. Whereas an adequate number of endorphins help promote relief from pain, pleasure, sharper memory, a healthier immune system,...

Power of thought

It is said “You are what you think!”. Hence, your perception and attitude towards life define your ability to endure strength and achieve greatness in life, as author Tonny Robbins says, ...

Maintenance of PCOS

PCOS is a polycystic ovarian syndrome that every 7 out of 10 women are diagnosed with. It usually occurs in the reproductive years of the ...

Health benefits of UV light

Our modern society is the only one in history that has feared sunlight without even acknowledging the glorious facts about it. UV light reacts with cholesterol in the skin to form Vitamin D which is critical to immune function and for absorption of Calcium...

Learning, unlearning and relearning

Learning, unlearning, relearning is significantly important, as the one who has been well-reputed in academics is not illiterate but the one who ...

7 strategies to retain more of every book you read

Whenever you learn something new your brain upgrades the software. Similarly when it comes to reading and extracting knowledge from a book, we must know that outcome ...


We are always chasing gold – excellence – perfection – fantasy! We have this inherent need to show off our wealth to satiate our ...

Perception controls life

Everybody has the power of imagination. Your thoughts behold reality and your reality determines your destiny. As you dive deeper ...

Lack of sleep, its effects and treatment

There is a connection between a lack of sleep and anxiety. A good night’s sleep can make a person feel energized and focused and give them an overall sense of well-being. But those...

Body posture: “Symbol of fitness”

Fitness industry, comprising few pillars, is way so established in this era. One of these pillars is “Posture.” As the human body is perfectly designed and scheduled, yet ...

Effective tips for studying smarter, not harder

Urging to work hard never guarantees scoring high GPAs. Studying smarter does! Adopt techniques to learn faster and better
1. Observe your primary channel that helps you assimilate information. It can be any of your basic senses. Your eyes or ears! Either you are visual and try to see information and get it right, using audio notes proves to be your savior, ...

Carbohydrates and diseases

The changes in our health and genes which have been observed in the past years have eroded our fitness due to the unhealthy lifestyle, detrimental ...

Supporting small-scale businesses

There is a pressing need to educate masses regarding supporting small-scale businesses as they constitute a major share of the economy. Small ...

Surprising benefits of Sesame seeds

Common Asian seeds called sesame seeds are healthy little bombs of plant protein, fiber and vitamin B. The production of Sesamum indicum plant defends against heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. Since it is ...

Post workout recovery

It is observed that muscles get harsh on us after workouts. It is the evidence of any hard activity performed by muscles that screams now. Basically, it is known as ...

Cholesterol, the savior!

Cholesterol-phobia had circulated all over the world in the old days. It has been considered a tocsin. Nonetheless, today with fast internet technology, it takes little effort to search the details and reveal secrets. Consequently...

Why say no to fast foods

Heck, they are so darn delicious who says no!
Fast food is highly processed having lots of carbohydrates, added sugars, unhealthy fats and preservatives. They have way too excessive calories but provide poor or little nutrition that leads to ...

Workout for diabetics

Diabetes has a couple of curing-tracks, be it either through nutrition or fitness. Throwing light on fitness, we have various exercises that a diabetic needs ...

8 tricks to treat frozen shoulder

Have you ever experienced frozen shoulders? Well, medically it is referred Frozen joint syndrome - a condition in which range of motion is decreased. It can either be...


The deeper you think, the more you grow, awaken and explore. The raw thoughts popping in your mind are initially the words without soul that may not make much sense, ...

5 FAQs related to brain tumor

1. Is tumor a cancer?
All cancers are tumors but all tumors are not cancers. Tumor means abnormal ...

Food safety measures

Food safety practices are crucially vital for our health and wellbeing. Improper food handling techniques give rise to food borne diseases due to which approximately 600 million ...

Attempts to cope with stressors

Stimuli of emergency provokes stress as a response to the body. With its 3F power ...

4 ways to be ultra-productive

How can you lift your productivity as exponential as 100 times? First thing that pops up in mind is the sense of capturing the criteria of people being creative and productive at the ...

11 surprising health benefits of quitting sugar

Sugar is one of the major components of human diet. If quitted, the following would be the body’s response and it would definitely thank the human body.

Journey of Artificial Intelligence: A Brief History

1955: An American Computer Scientist, John McCarthy uses the words Artificial Intelligence and ...

Three tips to transform complex brainy things into no-brainers

Brain is a great organ, and has a super power. Intelligence of the brain ...

A diabetic as carefree even after cheat-meal

It is noticed quite often that diabetics cheat their special dietary regime involuntarily either due to sugary cravings ...

How to improve your eyesight and focus?

People are gradually being aware of the eyes-exercises and have begun calling it a natural remedy to cure eyesight problems. If you are facing any problem of near-sightedness or far-sightedness, ...

Etiquettes of composing a professional mail

While having a glance at the inbox of a professional, we often come to know the basic and neglected etiquettes. These are...

The other side of chicken

We are more likely to place chicken on the top shelf of meals. Research shows ...

Life-saving lemon

Lemon is a miraculous fruit with immense health benefits that cannot be taken for ...

Emotional eating

The term ‘emotional eating’ implies mindless eating to primarily satisfy one’s emotions besides hunger. Behind this, are linked reasons like ...

Path to stronger immunity

People possessing strong inborn-immunity have great resistance for diseases. While reading this phrase, you must be amazed at the people who do not even get a ...

Secrets of mindful eating

Mindful eating is to feed your brain while you eat. Whatever the fuel you take into the body, it is not efficient or effective unless and until your brain does not concentrate on it. This ...

Hour of need for skills

Skills are the need to survive in this technologically fast 21st century. As far as academics are concerned, there are vast fields providing massive scopes and applications, ...

Cross on forgetfulness

Forgetfulness is the major hurdle for the man of today. We learn, we perform tasks, we workout, but eventually we forget, sometimes the most important things. We put ...

Combatting Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin intake are of great significance to ensure adequate nutrition. The human body produces vitamin D in response to exposure of sunlight. It is responsible for maintenance...


The two fields, psychiatry and clinical psychology, are correlated with respect to mental health professions. While studying psychiatry, we come to know about its diverse perspectives. Psychiatrists...


Ulcer is a peptic disorder characterized by damage to the stomach lining. Ulcers are caused by Helicobacter Pylori, a causative bacterium of inflammation. Ultimately,...

Blue Light

Sun is the main source of blue light. However, digital devices like mobiles, tablets, LEDs and other gadgets also emit blue light. Thus, it is everywhere. There are different advantages linked with the blue light, though,...


The fault in our stars is written by an renowned American writer and YouTuber ‘John Green.’ This film revolves...


Acupuncture is a Chinese alternative medicine. It helps in physical and mental conditions, and activates natural-healing processes within the body. It is a technique through which needles are injected in the...


According to gastroenterologists, both diseases have similar symptoms, yet different mechanisms. Irritable Bowel Syndrome involves colon only, regardless...

Rights of servants

The Holy Prophet SAW said “You shouldn’t overburden them (servants) with what they cannot bear, and if you do so, help them (in their hard job).” ...

Environmental hygiene in Covid19

There are certain precautions that should be taken care to ensure personal and environmental hygiene. Upon the onset of the quarantine or isolation, a new form of pollution was observed. Such ...


An everyday-dose of self-motivation is a powerful tool to boost your morale. It helps you stand up whenever you fall down, or when the life circumstances disparage you. It ...

Sugar rush

Sugar rush is a 2018 Netflix TV show having 3 seasons. This show is hosted by Hunter March, best known for his digital work, who portrays judges like Adriano Zumbo,...

Mag the weekly

Mag the weekly has certainly won hearts of teens and tweens by its brilliant content. It is absolutely leading others in entertainment, ...

How to cure vitamin deficiencies?

Vitamin deficiencies can cause serious deficiencies to our bodies. You may feel weak and pathetic due to lack of vitamins. To supervise your vitamins you can look into the ...


Alcoholism is a drinking issue, characterized by an uncontrollable desire to binge drink alcohol. Like other addictions, it has roots in early life relational problems and traumas. People are ...

The harmful effects of carbonated beverages

Americans take about 13 billion gallons of fizzy drinks per year. Fizzy drinks can be taken temporarily as an alternative to water, but sodas typically contain carbon dioxide, sugar, phosphoric...


Smoking is a serious concern prevailing in the world. The physical cravings of smoking include tension, anxiety and throat or belly tightness etc. that induce the desire to smoke. But smoking actually ...

THE 5 AM CLUB by Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma, a globally esteemed humanitarian and renowned author, has helped youth to operate at world-class level. His revolutionary morning routine has assisted youngsters in seeking productivity, ...

An apple a day keeps doctor away

The phrase “An apple a day keeps doctor away” was coined in 1918. Its significance proves that an apple is rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants, nutrients, ...


Dementia is a nervous disorder about memory impairment that leads to forgetfulness. There are seven stages of dementia varying from normal to very severe decline. It exhibits ...

How to boost Immunity

Do you often catch cold? Are you a prey of stress, upset-digestion, frequent infections, fatigue, and sluggish healing of wounds? Well, these all are the signs and symptoms ...

Add fruits and veggies to your diet

Human diet should consist of vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables are a source of fiber, phytochemicals (especially carotenoids and flavonoids), ...

Sleep is the savior

Sleep is the most important factor in one’s life that can either repair or devastate mental health. Sleeping is as vital for humans as fuel for the cars. There are...

How to achieve greatness

Man is a product of information stored in his genes. Our genotype defines our core characteristics that we have no ability to alter. On the ...

Healthy Mental Habits

It is necessary to keep your brain active, stimulated and growing. The more we engage...

Benefits of Cold Shower

Point to ponder; your body demands cold shower, a therapy for well-being! Cold showers ...

An ideal morning regime

It is always important to sleep at the right time and begin your day with enthusiasm and deep motivation. Try getting seven to eight hours of sleep at night. Addict yourself ...

Want to end dark moments of the soul?

Are you a prey to despair, anxiety or depression? Then this article is meant for you! Here you will come to learn about different ways to fight your depression and thus, ...

How to manage sleeping schedules

Sleeping hours might vary from an hour to hour. Such differences of time can be regulated by practicing several enlisted activities. It can be harsh for you to...


• Life presents everything to for you to choose what you love!


It is hard to keep pace with time as the immense work pressure of the current age keeps people occupied. Every “Lark” (person who is efficient in morning) and night owl has his own sleep schedule. ...

The Influence of Society

No man can survive in an isolation. Man has always been social animal. Life of an individual is all about his social and ...

Law of Attraction

Life is primarily driven by your belief system. The positive thoughts bring positive experiences to one’s life, and ...

Creative Writing

Creative writing is an open art, never four-walled to academics or journalism. It is a ...

How to Tackle Food Allergies

Food allergy is the hypersensitive immune response of the body due to certain food allergens. The most commonly associated allergy causing foods are fish, ...


Naturopathy has now, treated the most of the dermatological problems like scars and acne or uneven skin tone. What you ...

How to improve your English language

The impact of the most widely spoken and world-wide recognized language, English, cannot be denied in our lives. As we advance, ...

The Power of Meditation

Brain, the supervisor of your body, always remains occupied with stuff. Still it seems too weird and bizarre that we are always occupied with something that belongs either to past or to future, but ...


Binge eating is the form of eating that quenches the cravings by inappropriately taking big quantities of food. ...


First few golden rules from, “Forty Rules of Love.” ...

How Busy People Manage their Health?

Majority of people are facing the issue to supervise their health due to reasons that vary in tones. Either, they face the time shortage or their fragile imbalanced ...


Work is an exercise for body parts, either physically or mentally. The mental exercises help with the focused work rather than the diffused one. ...

How AI is Changing the World?

As quoted by Professor Andrew Ng, "Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is the new electricity," This new electricity drives the world towards the ...

What does your NAIL say?

Nail is an alpha-keratinous plate found on the tip of fingers and toes. ...

Body Building

Bodybuilding started with the world’s strongest man, Prussian Eugen Sandow (1867- 1925), who developed musculature for aesthetic purposes. ...

Health benefits of Papaya

The great fruit that you eat during summers is papaya, served in dried, ripe or unripe forms. It has various health benefitting properties. ...

3 important dietary changes to adopt

Refined Oils: Refined vegetable oils are processed edibles manufactured from chemical processing which makes for their nature acidic and bleached transparent color. These oils can be unhealthy for our bodies....

Taking care of mental health

Just like our physical health, mental fitness plays quite a significant part in our well-being. World could turn into a cringy place if it is not fed enough care....

Why should boys have all the fun? It's the women who are making this world a loving place

Women never enjoyed the prestige and footing as they stand by it now. Even in patriarchal societies, women have been out-performing their due-roles in every walk of life with their ...

We are more than our skin color

Our everlasting lust for skin whiteness has originated from prehistoric colonial times. As a result, many individuals in our societies,...

Eyesight problems vs. Nutrition

Weak eyesight is the top-most problem of today. Although, it can be treated through various eye exercises and operations like laser, but only for the information, laser...

Factors affecting aging

Aging is the most anxiety-causing factor in adults of the present day. There are many factors affecting aging that briefly include water, food, sleep, functionality, mental state and unnecessary fears. Following...

Preventions of breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most diagnosing disease of today. It is a myth that only women are culprits to the disease. Breast cancer can prey on men too, however, it is not as common as in women. Before...


“Get Organized with THE HOME EDIT” is a 2020 Netflix season authored by Clea Shearer and ...


Techniques for relaxation are an integral part of fitness plans which are often recommended, yet sometimes neglected. These important practices play a significant ...

Today’s problem: Diverting concentration

Concentration is a tool to build attention. While paying attention, man’s focus is somehow disrupted by several distractions and it can be anything ...

Exertion shouts out loud

Physical exertion means an effort to pull, push or lift a body part or any object in order to strengthen muscles. As activity of muscles fades away if, somehow, ...

Grammar: The gateway to English

English grammar is another core-part of the language besides literature. Normally, it is observed that we pay heed to the speaking skills like fluency, vast diction ...

The LAST LECTURE by Randy Pausch

‘The last lecture’ is a must-read autobiography inscribed by Randy Pausch, an American educator and a professor of computer science ...