Why replace white rice with brown rice?

Rice comes in different varieties like black, white, vanaspati, brown rice, etc. Brown rice is a staple food containing Mg, P, Se, thiamin, niacin, ...

Why need probiotics?

Have you ever experienced butterflies in the stomach in a state of nervousness? Well, that emanation of sensation depicts that the gut ...

How to overcome mindless eating?

Over decades we have become disconnected from our healthy food regimen. We fuel up the body only to fill the void. This often is a leading cause of unhealthy binge eating, mindless eating, and other disorders. Thus, today ...

Surprising benefits of Sesame seeds

Common Asian seeds called sesame seeds are healthy little bombs of plant protein, fiber and vitamin B. The production of Sesamum indicum plant defends against heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. Since it is ...

Why say no to fast foods

Heck, they are so darn delicious who says no!
Fast food is highly processed having lots of carbohydrates, added sugars, unhealthy fats and preservatives. They have way too excessive calories but provide poor or little nutrition that leads to ...

The other side of chicken

We are more likely to place chicken on the top shelf of meals. Research shows ...

Life-saving lemon

Lemon is a miraculous fruit with immense health benefits that cannot be taken for ...

Emotional eating

The term ‘emotional eating’ implies mindless eating to primarily satisfy one’s emotions besides hunger. Behind this, are linked reasons like ...

Secrets of mindful eating

Mindful eating is to feed your brain while you eat. Whatever the fuel you take into the body, it is not efficient or effective unless and until your brain does not concentrate on it. This ...

Combatting Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin intake are of great significance to ensure adequate nutrition. The human body produces vitamin D in response to exposure of sunlight. It is responsible for maintenance...

How to cure vitamin deficiencies?

Vitamin deficiencies can cause serious deficiencies to our bodies. You may feel weak and pathetic due to lack of vitamins. To supervise your vitamins you can look into the ...

An apple a day keeps doctor away

The phrase “An apple a day keeps doctor away” was coined in 1918. Its significance proves that an apple is rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants, nutrients, ...

Add fruits and veggies to your diet

Human diet should consist of vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables are a source of fiber, phytochemicals (especially carotenoids and flavonoids), ...

How to Tackle Food Allergies

Food allergy is the hypersensitive immune response of the body due to certain food allergens. The most commonly associated allergy causing foods are fish, ...


Binge eating is the form of eating that quenches the cravings by inappropriately taking big quantities of food. ...

Health benefits of Papaya

The great fruit that you eat during summers is papaya, served in dried, ripe or unripe forms. It has various health benefitting properties. ...

3 important dietary changes to adopt

Refined Oils: Refined vegetable oils are processed edibles manufactured from chemical processing which makes for their nature acidic and bleached transparent color. These oils can be unhealthy for our bodies. Therefore, try using extra ...

Eyesight problems vs. Nutrition

Weak eyesight is the top-most problem of today. Although, it can be treated through various eye exercises and operations like laser, but only for the information, laser...

Health benefits of Papaya

The great fruit that you eat during summers is papaya, served in dried, ripe or unripe forms. It has various health benefitting properties. ...